A teacher with a dream to teach students to achieve their potential and the journey she is on now.

Posts tagged ‘travel’

Sleeping on Intersate 49

I never thought my vehicle would break down on the road just past Shreveport on I 49 but it did. One minute you are cruising down the road looking forward to spending a few days on a beautiful Florida beach. The next, you’re calling for roadside assistance.

It was past 1:00 am and the roadside assistance representative said a tow truck diver should make it shortly after 3:00 am to tow my little home one wheels off the side of the highway.  I decided I might as well nap while waiting.

I woke up around 6:00 am wondering what happened to my tow truck. After a few calls, I was set up again for a tow. Apparently, the first company contacted didn’t think their tow truck was large enough for my little rv.  Another two hours were spent on the side of the road before the two truck pulled up. The driver said he was a mechanic previously. He took a look under the hood. Faulty spark plug? He tried to replace a spark plug but the area was stripped. Time to tow my vehicle in for a repair.

Less than two hours later, my RV was in the shop and the tow truck driver was dropping me off to get a rental car. I had plenty of time to run a few errands, enjoyed a nice meal, an checked into a local hotel. I thought it best to keep out of the casinos. I went to bed a little disappointed my trip was disrupted but hopeful to be back on the road soon the next day.

Sometimes a little setback turns out to be a good thing.  Sometimes it’s all in how you look at things. The problem with the RV’s engine couldn’t be controlled nor anticipated. Once I paid for the repair and picked up my RV, it was time to evaluate the situation. I lost two days and had 3 unexpected expenses, repair, auto rental, and hotel.  Part of my funds were spent so it looked like I needed to skip the trip to Florida. The new destination was New Orleans. Let the journey continue.

I am a strong woman. I am a flexible person. I am able to look for the positive in any situation. I am blessed.